As a valued ReadyRESALE Client you have seen the RR2 application is packed with features that can increase efficiency, save time and provide you with more customization than ever before. Perhaps you are already taking advantage of our tier pricing and rush fees, multi-company visibility or have noticed our enhanced security measures or analyzed your document analytics with our revenue dashboard - we are sure RR2 is your one-stop-shop for all resale and closing needs.
In addition to selling your resale and governing documents, ReadyRESALE gives your company the ability to sell access control devices such as:
With our easy-to-use and incredibly fast software, ReadyRESALE makes ordering these community items reliably quick and easy for the owners to access and pay for, right through your company’s website.
The Census Bureau's 2001 American Housing Survey showed that more than 7 million households — about 6% of the national total — are in developments behind walls and fences. About 4 million of that total is in communities where access is controlled by gates, entry codes, key cards or security guards...and that was way back in 2001! With ReadyRESALE Access Control Services your community can have the ability to offer these association items through your website. ReadyRESALE can be a resource for distributing gate access, visitor passes, parking permits and more!
Take online payments for boat, golf and club house reservations as well. Purchasers pay for the item or reservation and then are instantly granted access and confirmation the same day! Offer ANY document whether it be a copy of the association’s budget, meeting minutes or insurance certificate for sale through your ReadyRESALE service. For a full list of document automation services we offer click here.
Your privacy is important to us.
We'll never share your information.
"Not only has ReadyRESALE saved us the salary equivalent of at least half a staff member, but it has taken a challenging process and removed the stress and frustration."
Michael Rome, ESQ., Rome & Associates PC, Atlanta, GA