ReadyCOLLECT Web Based Collection Software for Board Members

Take control back over of your collection processes with the ReadyCOLLECT Collection & Case Management Software and stay ahead of the competition.

ReadyCOLLECT Service for Board Members Image


Once you have sent a delinquent Homeowner's information to your attorney or association manager, it seems harder and harder for your board to get up to date and accurate information on the status of the collection process.

Take control back over of your collection processes today! Use technology & streamlining efficiencies to stay ahead. ReadyCOLLECT has developed a powerful web-based system that is proven reliable, easy to use and affordable which helps covert a time-consuming part of your business into an efficient service for your board and the associations it serves.

Currently, the collections process involves community association board Members, association management companies, and attorneys. The information required to manage the collections process is scattered across multiple computer systems, multiple offices, and faxed or emailed from office to office creating both security issues as well as data integrity issues.

If you want to get an update on your HOA collections, it requires you to phone or email your association manager or attorney and then wait for a return call. Or, it requires you to wait until the end of the month to receive a report that might not have up to date information which can cause friction between you and your homeowners. Up-to-date information is the key to a HOA Board of Directors success.

If your Attorney is utilizing the ReadyCOLLECT Application you will:

  • Be provided with a ReadyCOLLECT Login that will give you 24/7 access to your communities collections.
  • Be given community specific view only access to community board members, allowing them to see the status of any of their collections.
  • Be able to allow board members to view and print status reports.
  • Allow board members to view collections status on their schedules, which reduces the number of phone calls you need to make, virtually eliminating the "phone tag" between board members and attorneys.
  • Payments can be recieved 24/7
  • Combining multiple locations into on cloud-based system
  • FREE training and Support included with service
ReadyCOLLECT HOA Collection Software

What is ReadyCOLLECT?

ReadyCOLLECT is a web-based application designed for law firms, attorneys, and management companies. Our clients have improved the efficiency of their assessment collection practices through our custom work flows, batch processing, Outlook integration, real time case info, multiple ledgers, online manager approvals, letter automation, custom collection tables and more! It brings the Attorney, Association Manager, and Community Board Members together by revolutionizing the process of collecting delinquent community association assessments.

ReadyCOLLECT - your complete online solution!


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Additional Value Added Features

Specialized services and products offered to ReadyCOLLECT clients that can cut down on time consuming tasks, speed up production and help turn your processes into profits.

CertMAIL Feature for ReadyCOLLECT Clients


ReadyCollect wants to help today's firms work smarter and find improved efficiencies. CertMAIL helps cut costs and lighten staff workloads using ReadyCollect's automated certified letter fulfillment process.

Learn More About CertMAIL

ReadyPAY Integrated Payment Service


Get paid faster with ReadyPAY Payment Services. ReadyPAY is the integrated solution that allows law firms to collect payments from debtors online through the client payment portal. ReadyPAY will reduce the time spent on managing the payment process thereby increasing productivity!

Learn More About ReadyPAY